Tips Menulis Deskripsi Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contohnya – Deskripsi diri tak hanya ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia saja, namun kamu juga bisa menulisnya dalam bahasa Inggris.

Namun, masih banyak yang bingung, apa saja yang harus ditulis? Bagaimana merangkai kata yang baik?

Apa saja info-info relevan yang sebaiknya dicantumkan? Dan masih banyak pertanyaan lain yang pastinya muncul saat kita ingin menulis deskripsi diri.

Menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia saja masih sulit bagaimana dalam bahasa Inggris? Tenang saja.

Dengan tips di bawah ini, kamu pasti dengan mudah mengisi kolom deskripsi dalam CV kamu.

Tips Menulis Deskripsi Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

Dalam menulis deskripsi diri, menurut Indeed, ada hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan, seperti:

    Hindari bahasa yang kurang pantas atau informal seperti slang atau jargon teknis.

    Gunakan kalimat yang efektif, informatif dan tidak bertele-tele.

    Perhatikan ketepatan ejaan, tata bahasa, dan tanda baca dalam surat lamaran pekerjaan yang dibuat. Jika berisi kesalahan, besar kemungkinan lamaran kamu tidak akan dilirik HRD.

    Sebutkan di mana kamu mendapat informasi tentang lowongan pekerjaan tersebut.

Contoh Menulis Deskripsi Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris


Beberapa contoh di bawah ini bisa kamu terapkan dalam menulis deskripsi diri dalam bahasa inggris pada CV kamu.

    I am a Computer Science graduate from the University of Indonesia. I bring with me several years of experience as an information systems analyst of a company in Jakarta since I graduated back in 2012. I am applying for the position of Document Controller advertised on Glints on March 23rd.
    I am a Communications graduate from XXX University with several years of working experience as a Public Relations Staff gained from a non-governmental agency in my hometown, Kendari. I am writing to apply for the position of Executive Assistant posted on your official site on 23 February 2017. This position particularly interests me because it would enable me to make full use of my administrative and organizational skills. I have well-developed both written and oral communication skills that can be very useful in carrying out the duties for the position.
    My name is Anna Belle. I am twenty-one years old. I have a background in Accounting Diploma III at one of the Universities in Jakarta, graduating this April. In 2015, I participated in training for accountants in Depok. I have read from your advertisement on Glints’ website that your company is looking for accountants. With my educational background, I am confident that my qualification and skills could make significant contributions to the company. I am a person who can work well as part of a team and on my own. I am also hardworking, and eager to learn.
    I have read from your advertisement at Glints that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. And I am interested in applying as a Service Consultant. My name is Ikbal Alfaris, I am twenty years old. I am a student at XX University, majoring in Law, and have already been in my seventh semester. I consider myself that I have the qualifications as required. I have good motivation for growing, eager to learn, and can work in a team and individually. Besides that, I have fair communication skills in English, both oral and written.

Rekomendasi Kata-Kata


Dilansir dari Call Centre Helper, ada beberapa kata-kata yang bisa kamu pakai dalam menulis deskripsi diri dalam bahasa Inggris.

Kata-kata ini bisa kamu pakai agar tulisan take terasa redundant.

Kata-kata postif untuk deskripsi diri dalam bahasa Inggris

    Able: I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.

    Creative: I use a creative approach to problem solve.

    Dependable: I am a dependable person who is great at time management

    Reliable: Co-workers rely on me to be on time.

    Articulate: I am an effective and articulate communicator with all levels of employees.

    Driven: I am extremely driven, with a clear goal to succeed

    Personable: I am happy and extremely personable and excel in a positive work environment.

    Safe pair of hands: I have been told that I provide a safe pair of hands in challenging times.

    Versatile: I have an extremely versatile skill set.

Jadi, sudah siap menyusun deskripsi diri dalam CV-mu?

Dengan panduan di atas, pastinya kamu akan lebih mudah bagaimana menggambarkan diri sendiri.

Jika CV sudah siap, jangan lupa sign up, update profil, dan lamar pekerjaan sesuai dengan preferensimu lewat Glints Job.


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